Empty Head Week

Yet again I seem to be playing catch up with sending out cards. In addition I needed a card for my Coffee and Card in Costa. My head was empty, where to start? A cuppa seems a good place to begin.

I spotted a vibrant card in a set made by LeeAnn Greff and with her permission I CASED that for my Costa event. LeeAnn had used a stamp set from our Saleabration leaflet caled Textures and Frames but, as mine wasn't to hand, I used the retired stamp set - Eclectic Expressions. When stamped, the stamps in this set are not so 'solid' in appearance which give a softer, slightly pixelated effect. The result is not quite as vibrant as the original, which appealed to my ladies, whereas I love the strong punch of colour on LeeAnn's card.

Like LeeAnn, I also used a large dragonfly from the Dragonfly Garden set, stamped onto vellum and coloured on the reverse with Stampin' Blends, then punched out with the coordinating punch. I was happy with the result.

A lady in Italy has recently seen the arrival of a new grandson. I'd spotted some simple cards online and made something similar to send with my congratulations and a gift for the newborn.

The stamp set is Treasures of Life. I've stamped in crumb cake ink onto white card which has been mounted onto balmy blue. I do hope that she likes it and I know that as she's not expecting a card, this will be a pleasant surprise.

Finally, I made a simple anniversary card. Sometimes, my creative head goes blank and I just couldn't think what to make. I pulled out two retired sets - Parisian Beauty and Silhouette Scenes - stamping the image and sentiment in basic grey onto white before mounting onto some retired blushing bride glitter paper from my stash. It's not a clever card but is sent with love.

So, there you have 3 of the cards I've made this week. All very different. I do hope you like them. There is a list at the foot of this post which shows all the current products I've used. Click on any to view more clearly or to purchase.
Today is World Cardmaking Day, so I'm off to make more cards. What will you make? Do share with me.

Have a great weekend,


Product List