Taking Time Out

I’m attempting to take time out, but I’m drawn back to craft in one way or the other!
If you’re a crafter, chances are that in addition to papercraft you have at least one other craft you dabble with. Me, I often bake. I guess you’ll have seen the odd photo on here. The results are usually delicious, it’s just a shame that my photos don’t do the cakes justice!
Take today. I’d planned to get photos taken and uploaded for my upcoming retired stamp sale. Then I was going to bake a cake. The photos didn’t get done but the baking did!

It’s July and peach season so today’s bake was Peach Pound Cake, with a peach glaze.

I think this will be made again. I tweaked the recipe slightly as per the reviews I read, being a US recipe it would have been too sweet for me had I not reduced the sugar.
As you can see, it’s disappearing fast!

If you'd like to bake the cake you can find the recipe here 

Do you have other crafts you like to do? Hope you’ve had time to craft this weekend.
