Card Frenzy!

I normally skid into Christmas with my Christmas cards, just about scraping in on time. However, having been rather poorly I didn't think I was going to arrive at all this year! Step up Project Life!
I pulled out my Hello December 2016 Project Life cards and accessory pack along with packs of note cards in an effort to catch up a little.

Now, those of you who know me know that I like to make my cards from scratch, not from a kit or using toppers, but needs must this year.
I used sentiments from another stamp set, some dimensions and added some retired red Dazzling Details which needed using up.
50 cards later, I can report back , that I've still heaps of stuff left over.
Here are some photos of the cards I made.

I shall certainly be starting my cards much earlier next year and including a 'Card Frenzy' class for my ladies who have left their cards until the last minute!


  1. Wow 50 fab cards in no time and so economical! You certainly rocked that project life set! Xx

    1. LOL! Still making! Not all 50 are shown above as some are duplicates.xx

  2. What a fabulous stash and a fab idea to make up for lost time, and with some left over bits too? Wow! Hope you are feeling loads better xxx

    1. Thanks Lelly! Yes, feeling heaps better, thank you xxx
