Onstage Live - Brussels

You may have heard me, or other demos, mention Onstage Live. It is the new event which has replaced our traditional Convention and it took place this past weekend in Brussels. Above is the sign which greeted us on our arrival - all 550 of us passionate crafters from around the world!
There is lots to share with you, I'll be posting on here but not all immediately since I've not even unpacked all my stuff yet!
As part of our crafty sharing, as uplines, we make gifts for our downlines and friends. Pretty much all of us make swaps and 'roomie' gifts too. So, just sharing a little today .
Here is the photo of the roomie gift I received from Cathryn. As always, beautifully packaged. Annoyed with myself as I can't find the photo I took of it wrapped up! Inside, well, inside was something I'd been hankering after with the bonus that I didn't have to decorate it myself!

Finally have my name in lights!
Below is another of my 'fuzzifotos'. It's my gift from Christine. This time I've remembered to take a photo prior to opening, followed by a photo of the contents. You'll notice that she was spot on with the colour!

It's lovely to be appreciated.
I have more to share but that's for another time.
It's miserable outside but I hope you're snug inside today, getting your crafty on!


  1. What fabulous gifts from Cathryn and Christine xxx

    1. Yes, I was a very lucky bunny! yours is scheduled for Thursday! <3
