Flower Patch Shoebox Swap

Hi there! So, it's October, the weather has taken a quick turn in the past week but I'm still sunny in Lelly Jelly land.....or, at least, my card is.
You may remember the playday I mentioned back in July. I went to the home of another demo, my friend, Lesley (http://lesleyscraftroom.blogspot.co.uk/) along with some other lovely ladies, not forgetting my super friend Kim, also a demo (http://kimfeecrafter.blogspot.co.uk/) who drove me all the way into Kent for the day.
There were 6 of us in total and we all made a shoebox swap. If you don't know what that is then I'll tell you. Each person makes a card then gathers all the supplies and prepares enough packs for everyone attending to make the same card. The original idea is that it all fits into a shoebox. Well, I can tell you, sometimes we need to use a box from someone with extremely large feet!
I believe I've already shown you most of the cards, though I'll go and check, but not yet the one I have to share with you today.
The original is by Jan Dicks (her SU blog is having a makeover at the moment), here it is:
by Jan Dicks - Twinks stamping
She used the Flower Patch stamp set with matching dies to make this lovely card.
So, now to my take on this. As you can see it doesn't actually look as pretty!
Lelly Jelly's version!
This goes to show that even if you CASE something it doesn't always come out as an exact replica!
Despite this, we all had a fabuous day. Huge thanks to Lelly G for hosting, such fun too, to catch up with everyone!