Swaps & Gifts

Morning everyone! Finally got some more photos off my camera. The first today is of all the freebies at our recent convention, including our bag which was a fab back pack.
Yep! All those stamp sets and other products were gifts from Stampin' Up! Spot our team scarf, very apt for the Stampin' Stars! And here are a couple of team photos with our scarves very much in evidence!
Our team leader Natalie attempting to make a star shape

                Does it look like we were having fun???
This next picture shows the lovely gifts I received from fellow demos.
You can spot the fab wooden hook and inspiring colour mood book but some of the gifts are hidden inside the pretty packaging. A large Star stamp because I'm part of the Stampin' Stars team, chocolate, a beautiful leather purse. There's also a small item in the centre which I'll show in close up below.


This is the coin from Aviano Airbase in Italy. We had Anastasia, a US demo (living in Italy), join us for the event. She brought this coin as a gift to me (along with the book, above). When you receive this coin you have been 'coined' and it is an honour to receive. I was very honoured to be given this special gift.
Now, onto the swaps. Oh, you all know by now about me and my swarm of bees. Well, I swapped them and just look at what I brought back..........

Covered my kitchen table! When I packed them away I found even more!. Some people were very generous, even when I'd swapped all mine they happily gave me a swap for no return. How kind! Gradually, I will post some close up photos on here so that you can admire the handiwork of these clever demos. I'll give them credit if I have the names.
But Convention isn't all about the material gifts and swaps that you receive. It is sooo much more than that. As well as the all attendee give aways and prize patrols there are classes, demonstrations, WOW's, inspirational talks, fabulous welcomes and applause, entertainment, awards, party night.... The list goes on. I will post more soon but have to end this post now - it's already drifted on a little long - and get back to my prep for the stand next week at the Handmade Christmas Show at the O2. I'll be there with my friends/demos on a stand.
Thanks for visiting, back soon!!!