Busy as a bee!

Hi everyone!
I've been very busy getting my swaps prepared for our convention which starts on Thursday in Manchester.
Just putting the last bits together this evening having been surrounded by 130 bees for the past few days. The bees in questions are part of my swap and are made by stamping the bee stamp from the Backyard Basics set onto Window Sheets, then die cutting them using the matching dies. To finish off I made 'bodies' for them from crushed curry cardstock and shaped the bodies and wings.
Here's a picture which shows around half of the swarm.......
Well, what do you think. I think they're rather lovely! Certainly a lot easier to have around than the real thing!.
Off to finish my swaps and other bits and pieces.


  1. These are very effective Lelly! So lifelike, can't wait to see the finished swaps! Have a fab time at convention xxx

  2. Thanks Lelly! Hoping to post pic of the swap on Friday but can't seem to get a clear photo at the moment.x

  3. have a honey of a time at convention... bee happy!
