More 'Spot the Colours'

If you read my previous post or my facebook page then you'll know that I'm playing 'Spot the Colour'. Now, I don't mind if it's a 'staple' from our colour families, last year's In colours, one of the newly introduced colours or from the In Colours 2013 -2015 - I'm on the look out for it.
Today, on my facebook page, I shared the photo of 2 delicious desserts I had yesterday at afternoon tea. Well, it was afternoon tea but the only booking I could get was at 1.30pm which, to me, is still lunchtime. However, we were still tucking in for an early tea at 3pm!  I'd waited since April to get that booking so wasn't going to miss it, and I'm so glad I didn't!!!
I make no apologies as I share the photo again here.
In the background is crisp cantaloupe topped with strawberry slush (two of this year's new In Colours) - indeed, they were crushed strawberries and very delicious too! At the front is very vanilla with....well, I can't quite decide. The decoration is garden green but the stripe? I'm still not sure. What do you think?