Stamp Camp

Would you like to spend a day crafting with like minded people? Well, read on:

                       STAMP CAMP

This will take place on Saturday 15th June, 10 am - 4 pm at the Salvation Army Community Church, Goldsworth Park, Woking 
For those of you who didn't attend last years event here is a quick rundown of what will take place.
You'll get to make 15 cards for various occasions. This is not a day filled with classes but is intended to be a fun, sociable event. Brief Instructions for each card are supplied along with a sample card for each design. Obviously I'll be hovering, ready to help out, especially alongside our newer Ladies. At least one of my team will also be on hand to assist.
Tea, Coffee and biscuits are provided, you'll need to bring your own lunch.
The cost is £30, places are limited.
You will need to register for the event, submitting payment at the same time.

To download a registration form click on the link below:
I look forward to seeing you!