A watched pot never boils

You've probably had time by now to take a good look at the seasonal goodies in our new Autumn/Winter Catalogue. Tempting, huh?!
I've been trying out my new ink pads, luscious, rich colours. I've also been checking the website and my emails for the arrival of some of the new items and can't wait to play with them. I do hope 'Mr Brown' arrives with my delivery soon. Watching the road for the UPS truck to arrive is like watching the clock, it'll arrive much quicker if I go off and do something else but I just can't get stuck into anything.
I'm also excited about the release of this year's new main catalogue on 1st October. Now that we're aligned with the US & Canadian market the catalogue will have many more products.
Later on this month I'll attend our Team Training. I should have some lovely swaps to share with you. Don't forget to check back to see them.