Regional Training Swaps

I'm supposed to be preparing sneak peeks from the new Summer Mini Catalogue but have been busy making swaps for our regional training which is this Saturday. When I first enquired there were about 60 attendees. "Ok", I thought, 60 cards, no problem. Didn't rush to make them, then last week I realised that the numbers had increased to 130, that's right 130! My reaction to this on Monday was to turn my kitchen table into a sweatshop/conveyor belt. Thank goodness my upline put me straight - " Do you what you can manage."  Did I really want to come home with 130 swapped cards?? Well, she didn't quite say that, but where exactly was I going to put 130 swaps when I returned home???  
Today they are finished -hooray! In the end I made 80. They were based on the card that I sent to Sherrill Graff last month:


                 Here are the finished swaps - meet 'Jack'

'JACK' (stamped)
                                                      ..............and 'Jill'

'JILL' (stamped)

Okay, so other people's might be better, but mine are topical (think the Queen's Jubilee and London Olympics). You can't tell from my usual fuzzy photo's but the centre is raised, has two small pearl embellishments and says 'Queen for the day'. Today's sneak peek - and I don't think you'll get this even if you've 20/20 vision - is a small stamp of a peony flower which I've used to stamp the whole Union Jack.
Now I just have to prepare a 6 x 6 scrap page and a badge. How did I ever have time to be in paid employment?????


  1. Intrigued Lesley - was that one big stamp or did you stamp through a mask? Looking good - how many did you make in the end?

  2. Hi Fiona, I ended up with 80 completed though I've got some others partly prepared - seems like you'll all be getting them for your birthdays! LOL! Used a mask, after all, no-one said I couldn't.
