Happy Birthday Lesley!

Friday was my friend Lesley's birthday. My mojo had totally deserted me and then I spotted the perfect card on a blog run by US demo Lyssa Griffin Zwolanek, which can be viewed on the link:

I decided to CASE this card but as I began to put my card together I made a few tweaks. The original is in the same basic grey but is toned with a soft pink whereas I've used Regal Rose. I changed the central embellishment to a greeting and the banner to ribbon. Lyssa's card is very feminine but mine needed softening a little, I did this by adding leaves and a tiny punched flower.


  1. such a pretty card Lelly, and I love your tweaks, with the ribbon, leaves, flower etc xxx

  2. Oh thank you Lelly, very kind of you.x

  3. Well my little lelly jelly, I lubs your creation, and whilst you say you cased it, I think you have very much made this one your own!! It's gorgeous, I shall be casing this myself...

  4. Thank you Kimmie!High praise indeedy!x
